●1970 年代半ばにPUNKムーブメントから出現したLux Interior と Poison Ivy 率いるGARAGE PUNK PSYCHOBILLYバンド『The Cramps』の1994年発表6thスタジオアルバムが150g VINYL仕様で再発!
【SIDE-A】1. Mean Machine 2. Ultra Twist 3. Let's Get Fucked Up 4. Nest Of The Cuckoo Bird 5. I'm Customized 6. Sado County Auto Show 7. Naked Girl Falling Down The Stairs
【SIDE-B】8. How Come You Do Me? 9. Inside Out And Upside Down (With You) 10. Trapped Love 11. Swing The Big Eyed Rabbit 12. Strange Love1 3. Blues Blues Blues1 4. Sinners 15. Route 66 (Get Your Kicks On)